Tickets Sold for Concerts in H1 2022 in Italy Surpass Pre-Pandemic Levels
The Italian collecting society SIAE released its Report on Entertainment and Sports 2021

Ph Roger Harris / Unsplash
In the first six months of 2022, the the tickets sold for pop music concerts in Italy were 6.2 millions, surpassing pre-pandemic levels: the figure was 5.5 millions in the same period of 2019. In H1 2021, only 300.000 tickets were sold, according to the Report on Entertainment and Sports released by SIAE, the main Italian collecting society.
Concerts and live entertainment
The information regarding 2021 confirms the negative consequences of the pandemic, with an overall number of spectators decreasing from 306 millions in 2019 to 84 millions in 2021 (-72%). The overall sales also go down from 2.7 billion euros in 2019 to 870 million euros in 2021. Concerts represent 11.6% of that figure (101 million euros).
Not surprisingly, the data of 2021 highlight a growth if compared to 2020. Especially live shows, growing by 26%, and concerts in particular (+75%). Out of 100 spectators, 32 are cinema goers, followed by 18 concert goers. In 2021, pop music concerts saw a growth of 113% YoY. Jazz concerts grew by 101%.
SIAE’s report also highlights the geographical distribution of the consumption. Northern Italy absorbs the vast majority of the total, with 58% of spectators and 63% of sales. Among regions, the top 5 is made up of Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Tuscany, Lombardy, and Lazio.
The statements of SIAE
Giulio Rapetti Mogol, honorary president of SIAE, stressed the fact that the cultural industry was among the sectors that were hit the most by the pandemic. «I hope for a systemic vision and a shared idea of development to restart effectively, with a special attention for creative workers and their needs. We must recognize, measure and support the entrepreneurial effort in this sector, so important for our country».
Gaetano Blandini, managing director of SIAE, stressed «the sense of the remodulation of data and analyses, hoping that the stimulate critical thinking and strategic views. Also in connection with the necessary evolution of regulations on which a debate can rise among artists, cultural entrepreneurs, and institutional decision-makers».